What is a Podcast?
Ever since the inception of terrestrial radio, people have loved being able to tune in and hear their favorite programming. This format has allowed a connection with listeners like never before. But over the years, radio has seen its fair share of changes. From becoming a medium where listening live was the only way, we now have a plethora of on-demand content covering a vast array of topics. So how has this been successfully achieved? Through the advent of podcasting. But you may be asking yourself what is this new medium? Well think of it like a radio show. At some point during the day or week, a host or hosts comes on and talks about a certain topic for a certain pre-defined period of time. Sometimes guests are present to give their input on relevant content allowing for new shared ideas and collaboration. A podcast which is similar to a radio show is an episodic series of spoken word digital audio files. But in the case of podcasting, the user can download the episodes to a personal device for easy listening. As it continues to grow in popularity, many people are finding ways to escape the shackles of traditional radio formats bringing brilliantly original approaches and completely niche subjects to a format that’s decades old. And unlike before, there is no limit to the length of your show, the frequency at which it’s put out to your listeners, the format of distribution, or the content covered! And best of all, listeners can stream on-demand allowing them to listen whenever and wherever. All of this with its low-cost startup has created a podcasting frenzy. As it becomes more popular than ever before, it’s a fast growing industry with no signs of slowing down anytime soon. With all this excitement, you maybe be ready to start you own awesome podcast. Need to know how? Read my next blog post on how to make that happen without breaking the bank.